7. Bibliografia


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  3. Network ABUSE Clearinghouse, http://www.abuse.net, U.S.A. 2004.
  4. The SpamHaus Project, http://www.spamhaus.org, U.K. 2000-2005.
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  6. Spam Pesters Admins about Mail-abuse, http://spam.sourceforge.net, U.S.A. 2000-2001.
  7. SpamCop.net, http://spamcop.net, U.S.A., 1998-2005.
  8. Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email, http://www.cauce.org, U.S.A., 1997-2005.
  9. Movimento Brasileiro do Combate ao Spam, http://www.antispam.org.br, Brasil, 1998-2005.
  10. Sendmail Consortium, Sendmail Project, http://www.sendmail.org, U.S.A., 1990-2005.
  11. Venema’s, Wietse, The PostFix Home-Page, http://www.postfix.org, U.S.A., 2000-2005.
  12. Bernstein, Dan, The qmail Home-Page, http://www.qmail.org, U.S.A., 1996-2005.
  13. University of Cambridge, The Exim Home-Page, http://www.exim.org, U.S.A., 1996-2005.
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  15. Szendrodi, Rafael J. C., Antispam-UFRJ, http://www.aupads.org, Brasil, 2002-2005.
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  32. The UUCP Project, http://www.uucp.org, U.S.A., 2000.
  33. ABC news, http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=653257, U.S.A., 2005.
  34. Jornal Eletrônico Novo Milênio; Nosso e-glossário, http://www.novomilenio.inf.br/glossar/eglosss.htm, Brasil, 2001.
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  40. Rickert, Neil; Neil Rickert’s configuration hacks, http://www.cs.niu.edu/~rickert/cf, U.S.A., 2003.
  41. Apache Software Foundation, The Apache SpamAssassin Project, http://spamassassin.apache.org, U.S.A., 2005.
  42. Universo OnLine, Antispam UOL, http://email.uol.com.br/antispam, Brasil, 2005.
  43. SafestMail, SafestMail, http://www.safestmail.com.br, Brasil, 2005.
  44. CBEJI – Centro Brasileiro de Estudos Jurídicos da Internet, Sentenciado primeiro caso de spam no Brasil , http://www.cbeji.com.br/noticias/noticias1612-1601.htm#Sentenciado%20o%20primeiro%20caso%20de%20spam%20no%20Brasil, Brasil, 2002.
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