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ésar Augusto

An electronics and computer engineering student of UFRJ.

About me

I am currently in the fifth semester of graduation. I am a mechanical technician, graduated from CEFET, and an active member of the Grupo de Teleinformática e Automação (GTA) at UFRJ. I'm engaged in the Maglev Sensing and Automation Project under the guidance of Prof. Luís Henrique M.K. Costa and Prof. Miguel Elias M. Campista.

Lattes Curriculum

Email: cesar.amado@gta.ufrj.br

About me

My areas of interest are Machine Learning, Vehicular Networks, Electric Circuits, and others in electronics. Additionally, I like to seek knowledge in other areas such as biology and geography.

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Cool achievements during high school

“Honorable mention (national) from OBMEP 2017

Honorable mention (national) from OBMEP 2018

University Degree FCE (currently called FIRST) from University of Cambridge 2018

Silver medal (state) from OMSF 2019

Bronze medal (national) from OMSF 2019

14º place of Olimpíada do Saber 2019

Silver medal (national) from OBA 2019

Winner of the Best Conclusion Report, Best Biological Experiment, Greatest Social Engagement, Best Thematic Experiment, and Grand Prize (gold) of the Stratosphere Class from Garatéa E. 2019

Grade 980/1000 in the ENEM 2020 essay ”