> Acrônimos e abreviações

B_Port Bridge Port

CIFS Common Internet File System

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

D_ID Destination ID

DAS Direct Attached Storage

E_Port Expansion Port

EOF End-of-Frame

F_Port Fabric Port

FCAL Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop

FC-FE Fibre Channel Frame Encapsulation

FCIP Fibre Channel over TCP/IP

FCP Fibre Channel Protocol for SCSI

FL Fabric Loop

FL_Port Fabric Loop Port

HBA Host Bus Adapter

I/O Input/Output

iFCP Internet Fibre Channel Protocol

IP Internet Protocol

iSCSI Internet Small Computer System Interface

ISL Inter-Switch Link

iSNS Internet Storage Name Service

JBOD Just a Bunch of Disks

LAN Local Area Network

MAC Media Access Control

MAN Metropolitan Area Network

N_Port Node Port

NAS Network Attached Storage

NAT Network Address Translation

NFS Network File System

NIC Network Interface Card

NL Node Loop

NL_Port Node Loop Port

S_ID Source ID

SAM SCSI-3 Architecture Model

SAN Storage Area Network

SCSI Small Computer System Interface

SNIA Storage Networking Industry Association

SOF Start-of-Frame

TOE TCP Offload Engine

TOS Type of Service

ULP Upper Layer Protocol

VE_Port Virtual Expansion Port

VF Virtual Fabric

VISL Virtual Inter-Switch Link

VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

WWN Worldwide Name

Redes de Computadores I - EEL878 - 2008.1
Al. Rodrigo Machado Costa
Prof. Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte